Im Fokus: KI Governance
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TRUSTEQ | Corporative Excellence

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Data Use Case Identification and Assessment

Maximizing Data Value: A Strategic Approach to Identifying and Prioritizing High-Impact Use Cases

06.09.2024The article outlines a strategic, structured approach to identifying, prioritizing, and implementing high-impact data use cases for business value.

AI Shoring


30.08.2024AI-Shoring vereint menschliche Expertise mit KI, um Ressourcen effizient zu nutzen und Fachkräftemangel zu begegnen.

Date Management and Governance

Unlocking Business Value: Mastering Data Governance & Management Essentials

22.08.2024In this article, we look at the importance and core components of data governance and management for businesses.

Data Strategy for Businesses

Blogseries on Data Strategy

07.08.2024In this article, we introduce our new blog series on data strategy for businesses. We start with the components and aim of an effective data strategy.

Cockpit-Ansicht eines Airliners

Whitepaper: MLOps in the Financial Industry

29.02.2024Did you ever wonder which Machine Learning models are running in your company and in which status they are?

Teaser zum Whitepaper "AI Steering & Control Framework"

Whitepaper: AI Steering & Control Framework

29.02.2024In this article, you can read about the key aspects of such a framework, which focuses on compliance and governance meta-information, technical performance indicators and business metrics.

Schilder mit der Aufschrift "This Way" in verschiedene Richtungen

Whitepaper: MLOps - A Retail Use Case

29.02.2024What are the main challenges for machine learning model reproducibility? Let us guide you through this!
